Hypothetical: A Review of Everything Imaginable

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Submissions are currently closed. Stay tuned.

Submissions are evaluated on the basis of our definition of good writing and fit with our creed. Work must be previously unpublished. 

Please use the name of each piece as the title of a submission file. Do not include author's name in the file title or in the manuscript. In your cover letter, we encourage a brief articulation of why you've chosen to submit here and a list prior publication credits, if any. 

All submissions may be considered for any of our issues or as a blog features. For journal submissions, allow 4-6 weeks for a response. For "Everything Else" features, allow 3 weeks for a response.  After these periods, we invite you to query about the status of your submission.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted if indicated as such in your cover letter. We ask that you promptly withdraw the submission if accepted elsewhere. 

To honor our mission and because of our publication's small size, we will not read submissions from any contributors published in any three previous issues.

We look forwarding to reading your work!

Hypothetical: A Review of Everything Imaginable